Hidden Fruit

Hidden Fruit

The ache in Mei’s neck spread down her shoulders, the pounding in her head throbbing in sync with her dry, scratchy throat. She stirred, grimacing as the stiffness in her body reminded her how long she’d been crammed in the truck’s cab. Max’s familiar, deep snores filled the small space, and she blinked against the encroaching darkness outside.
Her breath caught. Red and blue lights pierced the night, flashing against the windshield and casting fractured shadows over Max’s face. Heart pounding, Mei twisted in her seat to see a police SUV slowing, its headlights cutting through the trees and underbrush.
“Max!” She shoved him, her voice sharp with urgency.
Max’s eyes snapped open, his body tensing as he registered the glow of the approaching vehicle. Without a word, he grabbed her hand, the familiar heat of his touch surging with intent. But before she could prepare herself, Max vanished. The space beside her chilled. A heartbeat later, he reappeared, this time outside the passenger window, his face set in determination. Mei startled at his knock against the glass.
“Babe, as soon as we open this door, we run,” Max’s voice pressed into her thoughts, firm but edged with worry.
Mei nodded, fumbling through the truck. Her fingers closed around loose coins in the cup holder, the metallic clink breaking the tense silence. She shoved the change into her pocket, snatching a small first aid kit from the backseat. Her mind raced as she turned back to Max, signaling her readiness.
The officer stepped out of his vehicle, his figure illuminated by the harsh glare of his flashlight. Max glanced at him, calculating, and then yanked the truck door open, pulling Mei out with him. The dome light snapped on, casting a yellow glow that spilled out like a beacon.
“Hey! Stay where you are!” The officer’s bark cut through the air, his flashlight zeroing in on them.
Max tightened his grip on Mei’s hand, and they bolted, the sound of their shoes crunching against dry leaves consumed by the dense woods. Mei’s breath came in ragged bursts as branches clawed at her arms and face. Behind them, the officer shouted again, his voice fainter now, and then the distinct metallic click of his radio followed.
Mei stumbled, her legs heavy, her pace faltering. Max felt her lag and slowed, dragging her with him as they ducked behind a massive oak. He crouched, chest heaving, his hands firm on her hips. Mei met his eyes and nodded, her lips pressing into a determined line. She knew the plan before he spoke it.
Her hands covered his as she jumped, his strength propelling her upward until her fingers found purchase on a sturdy branch. Mei hauled herself up, the bark biting into her palms as she clung to the limb. Below, Max vanished again in a blur, leaving the faintest rush of displaced air in his wake.
The officer burst through the underbrush, his flashlight beam darting through the gloom. He stopped short, puzzled by the sudden absence of sound. His light swept over the ground, then up into the tree. Mei’s heart slammed against her ribs as she pressed herself flat against the trunk.
A small stone struck the officer’s shoulder. He spun, the flashlight beam slashing through the air. “Who’s there?” he shouted, his hand drifting toward his holstered weapon. Without hesitation, he jogged toward the noise.
The moment the officer’s footsteps faded, Max reappeared beneath the tree. He glanced up, his hand extending in a silent signal. Mei exhaled a trembling breath before letting herself drop. Max caught her, his arms steadying her before her feet hit the forest floor.
“Let’s go,” he whispered.
Together, they vanished into the shadows, their path weaving away from the officer, deeper into the safety of the woods.
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